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Lesson 5: The Importance of Curiosity in Life and Business Success

Curiosity isn't just a trait; it's a transformative force that profoundly shapes both personal fulfillment...
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Lesson 4: The Trust Factor -Building Lasting Relationships with Clients

In our ongoing series "Lessons from Our Founder," we explore invaluable insights that have shaped...
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Lesson 3: The Fine Art of Attention to Detail: A Personal Journey in Leadership and Life

In my career, the distinction between something good and something great has often boiled down...

Strategic Reference Selection: Elevating Executive Candidacy in the Hiring Process

In addition to the critical role that professional reference checks play in executive hiring, it's...

Lesson 2: The Power of Trust and Long-Term Relationships

"Before we can demonstrate our competency or expertise, clients need to feel the depth of...
New Projectrock

Lesson 1: Success Begins with Embracing Self-Belief & a Deep Commitment to Lifelong Learning & CI

Margo's knack for identifying an individual's potential, oftentimes long before people recognize it in themselves,...

Strategic Moves

Exploring the Dynamic Role of Female & Diverse Leaders through a Chess-Inspired Lens A month...
New Projectmnk

How to Enhance Your LinkedIn Profile

With LinkedIn being the largest and most publicly accessible resource for professionals in every industry...

Preps & Steps For Your Next Executive Career Step

The interview process has become much more fluid over the last year and as a...
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Negotiating Compensation During Performance Reviews

Most people believe negotiating compensation is about as enjoyable as a root canal. After helping...